
Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage Tulsa reduces the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to weight gain, insomnia, and chronic pain. It also improves posture and increases joint flexibility.


Although this type of massage is safe for most people, it may not be appropriate for anyone with a blood clotting disorder or osteoporosis. In those cases, a gentler massage technique, such as Swedish massage, is recommended.

Deep tissue massage works through a physical and chemical process to loosen the knots and kinks of overworked muscles. The physical aspect involves the lengthening of muscle fibers as they are stretched and massaged, while the chemicals involved release endorphins that act as natural painkillers. Depending on the area being treated, this method can also break up muscle tissue adhesions and scars and reduce overall body tension.

It reduces levels of cortisol, the hormone that is released when you are under stress and can lead to high blood pressure, while increasing oxytocin, which leads to feelings of trust and happiness. Regular massages have been linked to improved sleep, better mood and increased energy levels.

The increase in circulation helps to remove toxins and waste products from the muscles, reducing inflammation and allowing tissues to heal faster. It is a great form of pain relief for many chronic ailments, including sciatica, plantar fasciitis, arthritis and fibromyalgia. It can even help relieve headaches as it reduces the tightness of muscles and tissues around the head, neck and shoulders that cause them.

In addition, it can improve the range of motion in stiff joints and ligaments. It can also increase flexibility, which is especially important for athletes and people who exercise regularly. It can also be used to treat sports injuries, such as tendonitis and strains.

A great way to get a deep tissue massage is by joining a spa or wellness center that offers it. Often times, these types of sessions are done by licensed massage therapists who have a lot of experience in the field. They will usually start with a light massage to warm up the area and relax the muscles. Once they have prepared the muscles, they will begin to apply more intense pressure on the muscle groups that need work.

It is normal to feel a little sore after a deep tissue massage, but the discomfort should subside within a few days. It is best to drink lots of water afterward to keep the muscles hydrated and remove any toxins that have been released. Some people may also experience a headache or feeling nauseous, but this is due to the toxins moving through the body and should subside quickly.


Deep tissue massage involves a deeper and more focused manipulation of the underlying muscle tissues. It is designed to realign the deeper layers of muscle, fascia and tendons in a slower, more controlled manner than other types of massage. It is used in the treatment of muscle strains, ligament sprains and other soft tissue injuries.

A number of different techniques are used in this type of massage, but some common ones include stripping and friction. Stripping is the stroking of muscles with the hands or arm to generate friction, usually using the elbow, forearm, knuckles and thumbs. This is done to warm up the muscles and prepare them for more specific manipulations.

Friction is another technique used in this type of massage, and it is the application of pressure by the therapist to move the muscle tissue. This helps to break up muscle adhesions, or knots, and improves range of motion in the area. It also increases blood circulation, which can help to reduce pain and inflammation.

Trigger point therapy is a more specific technique that uses the finger tips, thumbs or elbows to apply pressure to individual trigger points in the muscle. These are tender areas that cause referred pain in other parts of the body, often feeling like a tiny cramp. This is a more intense form of massage and can sometimes cause bruising.

The pin and stretch technique is another method that a massage therapist can use in deep tissue therapy to treat tight muscles. This is done by “pinning” down a portion of the muscle, while simultaneously moving the rest of the muscle away from the pinned area. This allows the therapist to provide a more intense stretching sensation to the portion of the muscle belly that lies between the pinned point and the attachment being moved.

Other important aspects of this type of massage are the use of compression and elongation of the muscle. This will help to relieve pain by increasing the size of the muscle fibers. It can also increase the range of motion in the joint and decrease swelling caused by an injury. It can also help to improve posture and reduce back pain by improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissue.

Side effects

Deep Tissue Massage is effective for most people but, like any type of massage, it can cause side effects in some cases. Most of the time, these are minor and should dissipate within a day or two. However, sometimes they are more severe and may last longer.

The treatment often involves moving the body into uncomfortable positions, especially when treating areas such as the neck or lower back. This may lead to pain in those areas during and immediately after the massage. This should dissipate as the muscles relax and stretch out.

A small number of people will experience headaches and migraines as a result of the intense pressure applied during the treatment. This is likely caused by the sustained focus on one area of the head and may be helped by taking medication beforehand or by applying ice afterwards.

Some people will feel nauseous during the treatment as many of the toxins and waste products are flushed out of the body, but this is usually easy to manage by drinking plenty of water afterwards. Bruising is also possible but is uncommon and should not occur unless the client bruises easily, or if the therapist applies too much pressure.

Most of the time, people experience a lot of relief from their chronic muscle pain or aches after a deep tissue massage. The pain-relieving effects can last a while and are often better than taking regular NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, for long-term relief.

The increased circulation stimulated by the treatment can help improve healing of injuries and reduce inflammation in the body. It can also help with a variety of conditions, including plantar fasciitis, sciatica, arthritis and fibromyalgia, according to research.

As with other types of massage, it is important to let the therapist know before the treatment if you are suffering from any open wounds or fractures, have recently undergone surgery or are pregnant. If you suffer from blood clots, then this type of treatment is not recommended, as the pressure and movements could dislodge the clots and be dangerous. Similarly, if you have high blood pressure, it is best to avoid this type of massage as it can be too much of a strain on your system.


A good deep tissue massage will not only relieve stress but also help a range of conditions, such as lower back pain, plantar fasciitis, and fibromyalgia. It’s important to check with your doctor before receiving this type of massage, though, as it may cause some discomfort at first due to its focus on deep muscle groups. Those with high blood pressure or who are taking medication, including blood thinners, should not receive a deep tissue massage. Instead, they should go for a lighter massage, like the more gentle Swedish massage.

Before the massage begins, your therapist will warm up your muscles with a light touch. After they are fully warmed up, they will move to the problem areas and begin to apply more pressure. Throughout the massage, it’s important to speak up and let your therapist know if the pressure is too much or if you are uncomfortable.

One of the main reasons people seek out this type of massage is for lower back pain, which can be caused by a range of factors, from prolonged sitting to heavy lifting. It can also be caused by pinched nerves, such as the sciatic nerve, or problems in major muscle groups, such as the quadratus lumborum and gluteus medius. During a deep tissue massage, your Bend massage therapist will work to release these tissues and restore proper function to the area.

In addition, your therapist will break up adhesions, which are bundles of muscle fiber that have become bound together over time. These can irritate the skin and limit movement. During your session, your therapist will use firm pressure to break up these adhesions and reduce pain and stiffness.

After your massage, it’s important to drink plenty of water to hydrate your body and flush out toxins that are released during the treatment. You may also experience some lingering soreness for a few days afterward, but this is usually due to the muscles repairing themselves rather than being an adverse side effect. The aches and pains should ease after a few days, especially if you follow your therapist’s advice and take it easy for a while.